
How To Create An Outdoor Outlet

The 10 Most Reputable Online News Outlets

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Today's news junkies have little choice but to consume their media online, but fake news can make it hard to distinguish fact from fiction. Nonprofit organizations dedicated to promoting and elevating the standards of journalism have spent countless hours of research deciphering which online news outlets are most reputable among American readers.

The New Yorker

Readers are more likely to trust a long-form story on The New Yorker's website than the same article that appeared to have run on BuzzFeed, as stated in a study by the Columbia Journalism Review. The George T. Delacorte Center for Magazine Journalism also researched the study.

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The Columbia Journalism Review study also found that BuzzFeed was more credible than not. The study connected by people's reading habits with the trustworthiness of BuzzFeed and The New Yorker.

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The New York Times

Because of the internet, traditional and reputable sources like The New York Times can compete for breaking news, as stated by Joe Strupp in Media Matters for America. However, Strupp points out that the rush to compete online can also lead to mistakes.

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The Washington Post

Like The New York Times, this online newspaper a traditional outlet able to compete with digital media, as reported by Strupp. Amazon owner Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post in 2013.

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The Los Angeles Times

The Los Angeles Times produces in-depth work that has resulted in numerous Pulitzer Prize winners and finalists in recent years, as stated by Strupp. This mainstream outlet has partnered with profitless groups like the Center for Investigative Reporting.

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Both Democrats and Republicans rank PBS as the most trustworthy news source, as reported by the Nieman Journalism Lab. The 2018 study researched misinformation on social media.

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Fox News

After PBS, Republicans cited Fox News as the next most trustworthy news outlet, as reported by the Nieman Journalism Lab. The study found that Democrats trusted all mainstream media sources except for Fox News more than Republicans did.

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NBC and CBS tied for the No. 3 ranking of news organizations with the highest trust ratings among Democrats and Republicans, as reported by the Nieman Journalism Lab study. (The New York Times was Democrats' choice for the No. 2 spot.)

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CBS tied with NBC for the No. 3 most trusted news outlet among Democrats and Republicans, as found in the Nieman Journalism Lab study. The study also found that Republicans were more likely to trust fake news and hyperpartisan sites.

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The Economist

The Nieman Journalism Lab launched the Trust Project to join news organizations such as The Economist and The Washington Post with social media and search engines including Bing, Google, Facebook and Twitter. The Economist was among the first wave of publishers to go live with the project's Trust Indicators.

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How To Create An Outdoor Outlet


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